Beauty is an important theme when discussing love because it is often the initial object of attraction between people. Humans are attracted to beautiful things, whether this is beauty in a person, the natural world, or even art. Both the lyrics from the Bruno Mars song and the quote from Tibullus mention hair in relation to the beauty of the person they admire. Both excerpts are also focusing on the natural beauty of their beloveds and the lack of effort it takes them to be enchanting to the men. This sentiment could be related to the rose-colored glasses that many people are said to wear when they fall in love with someone. When strong feelings develop, it is easy to overlook the flaws of the other person.
Unlike Bruno Mars’ song, which is a genuine love song, Tibullus’ work is tainted with a bitter note. The rest of the piece focuses on how a previous love has moved on to another boy, leaving the author to lament about how her looks enchant men to love her even when she has moved on.
“It’s useless to change your clothes, to change your cloaks,
to pinch your feet in tight-laced shoes.
She looks good even when she hasn’t done her face
or coaxed her hair to a skillful shine.”
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